Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Update on story.
Yes gang I think I have had this problem for a while and these yanmar engines just run and run. Finally it said, you know maybe I need a little help. Larry Davidman, I said that once when crossing the atlantic, said 5 days to Cabo Verde to get engine parts. Gary E McGaughey, they don't have the gauges for a yanmar here, so we got to this point through a bunch of other tests. This engine will run right now as I had thought the problem was dirt, I changed all the filters and thought I had fixed the problem. Checked the injectors all spray nicely, put them in and when I loosen them only one affects motor speed, telling us that we are running on one cylinder. Changed the good injector to another cylinder and still the number one is the only one running. We hope it is the valves and not the rings as Anthony Barone found. Jack Osborne, A little up the coast and I might have just done as Larry suggested, sail her into San Diego. Would have been a better story. But I impressed my wife with my problem solving skills by sailing us out of damaging our new paint job. Having flown her whole life she knows how to look for a plan b and that wasn't in her idea box, but for me Mucho Gusto sails like a dingy and it is fun sailing her around a marina. Now waiting for parts and see what happens.

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